Chess Diagram Conversion from picture into FEN Code



The webpage helps to insert a chess diagram using copy-paste into that page and to convert it into a FEN code using the add-on of You can copy this FEN code and insert into your chess program or use buttons to create the position in or You even may solve chess problems using the Add-On, but this is not the aim of this webpage. A chess trainer wrote this page to generate lichess studies for his pupils using digital pictures of chess diagrams.


Installation and usage

This webpage works well only with modern implementations of JavaScript.



  1. Install add-on of (October 29th, 2020: add-on available for Chrome and Firefox.)
  2. Load webpage
  3. Insert desired chess diagram into the webpage using one of the following methods. (Ensure that the copy is legal.)

a)      Copy chess diagram into the clipboard (from webpage, photo, scan, …) and paste the clipboard into the webpage. The location does not matter, but the client window must have the focus.

b)      Use button „Browse…“ to select a file. If it is an image file, the content will be displayed.

c)      Drag&Drop: drag an image file and drop it onto the button „Browse…“.

  1. If the pixel size of the picture is larger than the client window, the picture is displayed with reduced size.
  2. Click add-on, choose the right setup and start scan.
  3. Now you can copy the FEN code from the add-on window or click the buttons for lichess or to open the position there.


If you use this webpage very often, you may consider to use buy the program Chess eBook Reader of It could help you to work more efficiently. (A free test version is available.)


Possible troubles

  1. The detection of the position does not work well. Good images are recognized exactly. If this is not the case, there may be different reasons:
    1. The image contains more than 1 chess diagram. ---> The image must contain exactly 1 chess diagram. Additional text or other pictures are OK, mostly.
    2. The image contains only a part of a chess diagram. ---> The diagram must be complete, including the board frame
    3. The quality of the picture is too bad (e.g. if you make photos of old book pages). --->Try better picture resolution. Unfortunately, the quality of the images within old books often is so bad, that you get many errors even if you use high resolutions. The main reason is, that the black squares are shaded too roughly in those books.
    4. The image is too big and not fully displayed within the client area. ---> Use a smaller picture / resolution. (Only the visible part of the picture is used for the conversion! If the page works well, the size is adapted to the client area. But due to scrolling it may move out of the visible window partially.)
    5. The chess diagram uses symbols unknown to the add-on. --> Sorry, in this case, the add-on cannot help.
  2. The clipboard is not pasted into the webpage. ---> This may happen if you use a browser that does not support the latest JavaScript version completely. Actual versions of Firefox or Google Chrome are OK. It is important that the webpage has the focus. This can be ensured by clicking onto the existing picture. Inserting image files (e.g. if you copied an image file using the Windows Explorer) does not work.



History of published versions

2020-11-04: V1.0 Base version.


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The page uses JavaScript. All data of this page are upload, analyzed and stored at as soon as you use the button „scan“ of the add-on. More information you can find on that webpage itself.